Resting at the foot of the hills and vineyards of the Black Forest, Freiburg is Germany’s warmest and sunniest city. It’s also one of the country’s greenest cities, taking full advantage of all that sunlight to harness reliable solar energy. The streets of Freiburg are given their own unique character by the city’s Bächle, a series of small water rills running down the alleyways. Visitors can go to Cathedral Square early in the day to enjoy the farmer’s market and chow down on a fresh sausage from one of the stalls there.

Freiburg has its own distinct taste when it comes to food and drink. Stop in at Feierling, a small brewery with its own pub and beer garden, and sip a pint of their signature unfiltered beer. Be sure to track down a serving of flammkuchen, a dish of thin, crispy dough served with cream sauce and topped with bacon and onion.

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